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Vision & Mission

Our Vision

” A School of Difference “

our Mission

The mission of JAIVINS ACADEMY is to produce excellent education leading to an enriched scholastic and wholesome personality of its children.

  • To provide good quality modern education through culture, awareness of environment, physical and health education along with extra curricular activities and make every child excel in all the disciplines.
  • Systematic organized teaching with adequate learning material .
  • Continuous & comprehensive Evaluation method to assess them teaching in learning process.
  • To make a process of empowerment of the child through systematic and well organized integrated method of teaching.
  • To promote national integration among students through three language formula. To provide quality modern education for all round development of a child, to establish a model school in the district
  • To make all students of the school attain maximum level of competency in all three languages.
  • To introduce and involve the child to the method of learning by doing.
  • To enhance development of health of the child through appropriate physical education classes.
  • Developing cultural interest through music, Dance, Craft and Yoga.
  • By applying Modern Technology through computer Education,
  • To guide the children to take initiative and make the school an Innovative Centre.